Brinkerhoff Quarter Horses
- Jordan, Cassie, Mayson & Jade Brinkerhoff

If you're looking for a good savvy ranch horse prospect, we probably know where to find it!
We are a ranch family nestled in the heart of Montana. We moved back to the family ranch 13+ years ago & never looked back. We wanted our two sons, Mayson & Jade, to grow up learning the ranching responsibilities that are so important. We have a large cow/calf operation, that allows us to make everyday, using horses!
We have really dove in head first to raising our own ranch prospects. Meticulously finding our bloodline niche and going for it. It has been hard work, but thankfully our buyers are proving that our prospects are worth their weight in gold.
We have a small band of mares that fit our ranching lifestyle in raising solid, big boned and gentle minded babies with outstanding performance athleticism, to boot. Each mare has her individual strength that we cross on our Peptoboonsmal/High Brow Cat stallion, JAG. He is proving to stamp his babies well, and has outdone himself with all of them so far.
We no longer take in outside riding prospects but still continue to advertise sales prospects for J Triangle Quarter Horses (Vince & Lana Murnion).
Cassie continues to keep a colt or two around, to sell to the public, as long as her son's don't call "dibs". We are a pretty well rounded family and love our horse & ranching world.